摘要:This qualitative research aims to formulate a model for sport organization's manager’s competencies using systematic grounded theory. For this purpose, an open interview with 17 sport management experts and authorities was conducted with snowball sampling method and a series of initial categories were collected and extracted in coding process. In the caxial coding phase, the relations among these categories were determined in the form of coding paradigm as below: connection among causal conditions including productivity and administrative factors, the competency of sports managers, the phenomenon under study, included hard competency, soft competency, competitive competency, strategic factors included educational factors, control and evaluation, contextual conditions included official setting and behavioral settings, confounding conditions included motivational, environmental, and organizational factors and consequences including development and organizational recession of managers.; Then and in selective coding phase, all the components of coding paradigm were described and the theory was formulated and presented. Competency of sport organization's managers is a very fundamental issue and has different aspects. Moreover, competency is an endless issue, which should be updated continuously in organizations management.
关键词:Competency;Manager;Organizayoion;Sport;Grouded Theory