摘要:The goal of the current research was to factor structure and normalize performance evaluation questionnaire for human resources in the ministry of youth and sport. Statistical population of the survey covers all human resources of the ministry (including managers, employees and experts) for the year 2017 (N=840), where based on Kerejsay and Morgan table, 260 samples were considered (n=260). Data collection tool consisted of the researcher-designed questionnaire to evaluate the human resources performance. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inductive statistics including Kronbauch α-coefficient was utilized for the calculation of internal consistency of the subscales, and the confirming factor analysis to assess the data analysis credibility scales using Amos version 20.0. Kronbauch α-coefficient exhibited the internal consistency of subscales. In addition, the results from confirming factor analysis revealed that ten-factor (Employee Hire, Occupational Familiarization, Training and Enabling, Effective Use of the Employees, Behavioral Indices, Psychological Properties, Capacities and Skills, Service Compensation, Preservation, maintenance and Succession) structure of the human resources analysis shows desirable fit. Hence, this study exhibits that performance evaluation questionnaire is a well-suited tool for evaluation survey by which researchers are able to use this questionnaire as a stable and reliable tool.