摘要:Organizations to improve quality of service and increase competitive power by identifying the forces driving the customer experience will enable, in every time interact of customers with the organization, to create a rewarding experience and with managing this experience will present a better product or service. The aim of this study was to determine confirmatory factor analysis of customer experience questionnaire in sport. The population consisted of 466 football players who play in the Premier League clubs, from strati flied random sampling, 236 individuals were selected as the sample based on Morgan Sampling Table. The research instrument was a customer experience questionnaire by Sandersen and Lian (2011(. The face and content–related validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by the experts and the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained (α = 0.88) in a pilot study. This study is a descriptive survey and Confirmatory Factor Analysis method was used to confirm of each factor. Results revealed a total of seven factors flexibility with coefficient alpha 0.92, knowledge 0.87, personal contact 0.89, customer needs 0.86, follow up 0.88, promise fulfillment 0.87 and responsiveness 0.85, and explain 87.5 of total variance. The club managers by identification of experience factors can make loyalty with valuable creation in the players.
关键词:Confirmatory Factor Analysis;Customer Experience;Flexibility;Follow Up