摘要:Kahneman's theory of two systems assumes that human decision-making in economy is based on two systems, one that is automatic, intuitive and mostly unconscious, and another one that is reflexive, rational and fully conscious. We consider his approach incomplete in the means that the conception of systems 1 and 2 is not sufficient to explain the human decision-making processes. In this paper, our challenge is to show that unlike Kahneman systems, decision-making is anchored on direct perception of affordances and it is the basis of conceptual choices, which involve sensorimotor experiences of agent-reciprocity environment. We conclude this paper, arguing that, unlike the concept of Kahnemanian system 1, in the ecological perspective, decision making comes from non-conceptual experiences, from direct, non-automatic perception, without involving mental representations and information processing.
关键词:Percepção Direta;Affordance;Tomada de Decisão;Teoria dos Dois Sistemas;Teoria ecológica Gibsoniana