摘要:Students’ worksheet is nedeed since it can help the students’ to achieve the optimal learning objectives. However, based on the information gathered from the teachers’ association, , most of the teachers never provide students’ worksheet. Therefore, this public service gave chance for SMA English teachers in Bandarlampung to create good students’ worksheet. This activity was lasted for 3 days, and the steps are ; 1) Explaining the concept of students’ worksheet by giving the example of students’ workshet, 2) learning community, where the participants work in a small group to produce students’ worksheet based on provided learning objectives ,3) presenting the result by the representative of each group, and 4) individual task. This program showed that 6 participants (14%) were able to create students’ worksheet with very good catagory, 30 participants (72%) with good catagory, and 6 participants (14%) with good enough catagory. The participants were able to create students’ worksheet because they were directly given the example, and were discussed together with the tutor. By involving all students in learning community, they can share their ideas. In addition, presentation of each representative of each group made the participants have deeper understanding because they got input foron pers and tutor.