摘要:Lan honetan Lekeitioko hizkeran menpeko perpausetako azentu nagusia non kokatzen den aztertzen dugu, asimetria interesgarri bat erakutsiz. -ela perpaus barruan dagoen aditzaren aurreko hitz azentugabeak foku azentua jaso dezakeen bitartean, -en, -enean, -enétik, -elako perpaus barrukoak ezin du azentua eraman. Enpirikoki baieztatu dugu kontrastea gertatu egiten dela, eta kontrastea azaltzeko proposatzen dugu auzia ez datzala osagarri-adjunktu bereizketan, baizik eta zein fase-eremu sintaktikoari eragiten dion azentu ezarketak menpeko perpausetan. Horretarako, iradokitzen dugu -ela izan ezik, beste konplementatzaileak posposiziodunak direla eta, ondorioz, fase desberdinetan ezartzen dela azentua.
其他摘要:We examine the position of the sentential main accent in subordinate clauses in Lekeitio Basque describing a new asymmetry. Whereas a lexically unaccented word preceding the subordinate verb in a clause with -ela ‘that’ will carry the main accent, that is not true in clauses with other complementizers. We empirically verify this unusual contrast and provide a syntactic analysis for this asymmetry. We propose that the explanation has to do with the phase-domain where accent assignment takes place. We suggest that, except for -ela, all other complementizers are postpositional and that, consequently, accent is assigned at different phases.