摘要:This study investigates the potential value of, and
provides a method for, the creation of flexible, digital, and
asynchronous platforms to create student-centred materials
for use in an online and/or blended learning environment.
We made use of Thinglink to create a “virtual microscope”
resource for geology and associated courses in higher education. This is achieved through the dissemination of a simple
learning resource comprising interactive imagery and audio.
The visual analysis of rocks under the microscope, termed
thin-section petrography, is a fundamental component in geology programmes in higher education, with key skills which
are transferable with other fields such as material science, biology, and forensic science. However, learning environments
and activities in this field are often dictated by the requirement for access to microscope facilities and supplementary
resources which are highly variable in their academic level,
availability, design, and scale, ranging from traditional textbooks to online resources.
A resource was created which allows individuals to experience some of the aspects of petrographic microscopy in a
digital manner. In particular, specific features of the materials observed and how microscopes work were included. The
resource was disseminated to a population of learners and
educators, who provided responses to a questionnaire. Responses were overwhelmingly positive and indicate considerable interest from learner and teacher alike. Critical areas
for improvement include the need for clarity in the user interface and the inclusion of a recorded human voice rather
than automated text narration. This study highlights the need
for, and benefits of, interactive online learning resources in
petrology and associated fields. This type of resource has
positive implications for the flexibility, inclusivity, and accessibility of teaching materials. Such resources may prove
particularly valuable when distance learning is unavoidable
(e.g. the COVID-19 crisis) and/or hybrid, blended learning
environments are being deployed. The method and platform
used in this study are highly transferable to other subject areas (or other areas of the geosciences).