摘要:This paper evaluates the potential of false-color composite images, from3 different remote sensing satellites, for the identification of continental wetlands.Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and CBERS-4 scenes from three different Ramsar sites (i.e.,sites designated to be of international importance) two sites located within the Mato-Grossense Pantanal, and one within the Sul-mato-grossense were used for analyses. Foreach site, images from both the dry and rainy seasons were analyzed using Near-Infrared (NIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and visible (VIS) bands. The results showthat false-color composite images from both the Landsat 8 and the Sentinel-2 satellites,with both SWIR 2-NIR-BLUE and NIR-SWIR-RED spectral band combinations, allowthe identification of wetlands.
关键词:Imagens compostas em cores falsas;sensor multiespectral;Pantanal;interpretação de fotos;sites Ramsar