摘要:This study was conducted among 137 male students (average age 16.1) of a vocational high school via an online questionnaire concerning online schooling, PE class participation and participation in recreational (leisure) activities before and during the pandemic lockdown. According to the p-value of the Wilcoxon test (p=0.014), the mean value (3.92:3.61), the mode value (4:3) and the frequency of the mode value (46:48) for the observed variables, the students attended PE classes when they were held regularly significantly more than online PE class. Furthermore, the p-value of the Wilcoxon test (p=0.003), the mean (3.72:3.41), the mode (5:3) and the frequency of the mode (57:46) value indicated that students were significantly more engaged in recreational activities before the lockdown than during the lockdown. In order to encourage physical activity during online schooling, a few possible solutions are presented.