摘要:The teaching methodology adopted by teachers can influence the levels of participation and learning of students. The main goal of this study was to compare the effect of two intervention programs of postural education according to the used methodology. A total of 36 students (19 girls and 17 boys) in the 1st year of high school participated in the study. In the first intervention program a gamified methodology was applied, while in the second one a traditional methodology was used. Both intervention programs were carried out along 6 sessions. Theoretical contents were analyzed through questionnaires (COSACUES and COSACUES-AEF) and muscular endurance through three physical tests (Biering-Sørensen Test, Side Bridge Test and Prone Forearm Plank Test) before and after the intervention. Motivation levels (Feeling Scale) and perception of effort (OMNI Scale) were measured after each session. The results obtained did not show significant differences between methodologies, but differences have been found in terms of gender and type of methodology. Girls were shown to assimilate better contents with the gamified methodology. There was also a greater perception of effort and greater motivation with the gamified intervention. Therefore, the application of gamified educational interventions by teachers can be an interesting strategy to increase the levels of motivation and effort of students.
关键词:Gamificación; motivación; Educación Física; educación para la salud; postura.