摘要:In policy implementation theroles ofambiguity and uncertainty have been theorized but insufficiently tested. This study contributes to the policy process literature by arguing thatambiguity and uncertainty aretwo sides ofthesamecoin in implementation. Theireffectsarelinked to the credibility of policy, theclarity of goals,and agency capacity. Weanalyzeambiguity and uncertainty through thelens of post-disaster policy in local government using primary qualitative datafrom22 local government officialsacross 8 countiesand 6 cities that wereaffected byHurricane Harvey. Wefind that thecredibility ofa policy isevaluated separately fromthecredibility oftheformulator;experience moderates theeffects of ambiguity;and uncertainty in implementation hasasimilareffectasambiguity and is not lessened withmoreinformation. The distinction between the politicalmanipulation ofambiguouscircumstancesand therational, technocraticapproach to gatheringmoreinformation to reduce uncertaintymay belessclear than previously considered.
关键词:policy implementation;ambiguity; uncertainty; local government; disaster; Multiple Streams Framework Top of page