摘要:Objective To describe the learning style of 2 groups of physiotherapy students from a university in Cali, Colombia, according to their level of training, in order to establish guidelines for pedagogical and didactic guidance to teachers and the institution. Material and methods Descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study, in which 198 students participated in the physiotherapy course at 2 levels of training, respondents informed consent, demographic questions and the Felder and Silverman questionnaire consisting of 44 questions grouped into 4 dimensions, which allow to identify the preferences in learning styles. Results The distribution of preference of styles was similar in the 2 groups studied, in which active lifestyles predominated, including sensory, visual and sequential. Statistical significance was found between the size of perception and secondary studies of the mother ( P < .05). The same happened with the dimension type of information and level of training of students, 100% of the students are sensitive (P < .05). Conclusions There is predominance by the practical programming, teamwork, step-by-step forward in a linear fashion, and the perception of information in visual formats. The educational level of the mother has a partnership with the way they perceive the information from students. The intensity of preference for the styles in each dimension was balanced, which allows them to develop some degree of cognitive flexibility when developing the programming.