摘要:In recent years, mathematical models of decision making, such as the diffusion model, have been endorsed in individual differences research. These models can disentangle different components of the decision process, like processing speed, speed–accuracy trade-offs, and duration of non-decisional processes. The diffusion model estimates individual parameters of cognitive process components, thus allowing the study of individual differences. These parameters are often assumed to show trait-like properties, that is, within-person stability across tasks and time. However, the assumption of temporal stability has so far been insufficiently investigated. With this work, we explore stability and change in diffusion model parameters by following over 270 participants across a time period of two years. We analysed four different aspects of stability and change: rank-order stability, mean-level change, individual differences in change, and profile stability. Diffusion model parameters showed strong rank-order stability and mean-level changes in processing speed and speed–accuracy trade-offs that could be attributed to practice effects. At the same time, people differed little in these patterns across time. In addition, profiles of individual diffusion model parameters proved to be stable over time. We discuss implications of these findings for the use of the diffusion model in individual differences research.
关键词:diffusion model; cognitive modelling; individual differences; stability; longitudinal study diffusion model ; cognitive modelling ; individual differences ; stability ; longitudinal study