摘要:The World Health Organization (WHO) set targets for a 90% reduction in the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhoea between 2018 and 2030. We review trends in sexually transmitted infections in the WHO South-East Asia Region to assess the feasibility of reaching these targets. Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand reported 90% or greater reductions in the incidence or prevalence of syphilis and/or gonorrhoea between 1975 and 2005. Evidence suggests that smaller, more recent reductions in trends in sexually transmitted infections in India have driven regional declines. In other countries, sexually transmitted infections remain high or are increasing or data are not reliable enough to measure change. Sri Lanka and Thailand have strong control programmes for sexually transmitted infections that ensure universal access to services for these infections and targeted interventions in key populations. India and Myanmar have implemented targeted control efforts on a large scale. Other countries of the region have prioritized control of human immunodeficiency virus, and limited resources are available for other sexually transmitted infections. At national and subnational levels, data show rapid declines in sexually transmitted infections when targeted promotion of condom use and sexually transmitted infection services are scaled up to reach large numbers of sex workers. In contrast, recent outbreaks of sexually transmitted infections in underserved populations of men who have sex with men have been linked to rising trends in sexually transmitted infections in the region. A renewed and focused response to sexually transmitted infections in the region is needed to meet global elimination targets.