摘要:Rift Valley fever is a zoonotic disease which is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes and has potential to affect humans and animals. To gain some understanding on its dynamics in an urban peridomestic cycle, a fractional-order derivative model is formulated and analysed. The basic reproduction number ℛ 0 is computed and used in analysing the stability of disease when an outbreak occurs. Numerical simulations are performed in order to the variation of each population at order α = 1,0.75 , 0.5 , and 0.25. Results from simulations show that there is an increase in susceptible and exposed population in both human and mosquitoes as the value of α decreases. The infected population decreases with a decrease in the value of α . However, a rapid increase in susceptible mosquitoes is observed just after the first 30 days and a rapid decrease in infected human and mosquitoes after the first 30 days for α = 1 . Hence, fractional-order derivative also plays a significant role in providing insight on disease transmission and dynamics.