摘要:Personalisation in e-learning systems has become a major research area in recent times, as online learning is gradually evolving to become a major part of formal education. While there exist several learning management systems with a wide range of capabilities, one thing that remains inefficient is a standard framework for sharing knowledge across different platforms and, also, the inability of such systems to provide personalisation to the learning process by default. A large number of systems that have been implemented to provide personalisation apply few parameters and are course-specific; thus, flexibility, reusability, and scalability are greatly reduced. In this paper, we propose a framework for personalised learning, Weighted Agent System for Personalised E-learning Curriculum (WASPEC) implemented with Moodle, which is independent of the learning management system and provides the possibility of incorporating multiple personalisation parameters. This is accomplished with the combined use of web services, semantic web ontologies, and pedagogical agents, providing dynamic personalisation in the background of the e-learning system. This also provides added advantages of the possibility of sharing knowledge with other systems and reusability.
关键词:learning management systems; personalised learning; ontologies; semantic web; web services; pedagogical agents; personalisation parameters learning management systems ; personalised learning ; ontologies ; semantic web ; web services ; pedagogical agents ; personalisation parameters