摘要:Introduction The digital competences of teachers (TDC) are a key variable to integrate practices with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the teaching-learning process. Its development has become one of the main training problems that affect the university field in general and, specifically, the training of Health Sciences professionals. The objective of this article is to determine whether there are significant differences with respect to the level of TDC shown by the teachers of Health Sciences of the Andalusian universities (Spain) based on the variables gender, age, teaching experience, years that they have been using ICT, as well as time spent on technology in the classroom, and technological mastery. Methods An inferential study is carried out using contrast statistics for this purpose. A total of 300 teachers completed the DigCompEdu Check In questionnaire, which is capable of evaluating their competence level. Results The results of the study indicate that there are significant differences between different groups for each variable. Conclusion For this reason, the need to structure personalised training plans and extend the research methodology to other related studies is highlighted.
关键词:Competencia digital ; DigCompEdu ; Educación superior ; Ciencias de la Salud ; Formación de profesores