摘要:(1) Background: Attitudes toward menopause are believed to play a potential role in the experience of menopause, including its perceived severity. However, the studies available on the perspectives of women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on menopause in Cambodia are very limited. This study aimed to evaluate the attitudes toward menopause of Cambodian women living with HIV. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 189 women using a questionnaire titled Attitude toward Menopause Scale and socio-demographics. (3) Results: The study analysis showed that the participants had slightly negative attitudes toward menopause with the mean attitude score of 86.81 ± 10.79 (Range 35–140). Postmenopausal women displayed more positive attitudes than premenopausal women. Older age, higher education, and a non-drinking habit were independently associated with a positive attitude toward menopause. (4) Conclusions: The results suggest the need for a multidisciplinary team of health care experts that would address the special needs of this population marked by the menopausal transition.