摘要:Background: A therapeutic matrix for women who had survived breast cancer was designed by combining the principle of interactive peer support with the exploratory approach of group therapy. Method: An observation instrument was designed and applied to the recorded therapeutic sessions, thereby enabling the multidimensional coding of the interactive support process. Lag sequential analysis was then applied to the data. Results: The analysis revealed patterns of interactive peer support which were conditioned by the therapist’s communicative behaviour and by other derived behaviours. The significant associations correspond to strategies that serve to facilitate the therapeutic factors. Conclusions: The therapist’s behaviour is the fundamental axis around which the corrective process unfolds, and it is this process that facilitates the mobilization of therapeutic factors. The levels of interactive support shown by the group members acquire greater discursive complexity and interpersonal sensitivity as the group sessions progress.
关键词:breast cancer; group therapy; interaction analysis; fi eld formats; help patterns.