摘要:The aim purpose of this paper is to assess the contribution of public policies on youth employment in Cameroon. To do this, we used the multinomial Logit model that is being followed up for our employment equation. The maximum probability method is the estimation technique used and applied to data extracted from the EISS database (2011). Three main results emerge from this study: (1) young people who wish to self-employment do not have adequate training and the technical and financial support offered to them by the government is insufficient; (2) the incentives proposed by the State to private operator to encourage them to recruit young people do not always contribute to this objective and (3) the massive recruitments carried out by the State fail to pay off all unemployed young people. In this situation, the Cameroonian state should further strengthen the professionalization of training and, above all, guide training offers in the areas that present opportunities in our country. It also needs to strengthen the facilities afforded to private companies to encourage them to recruit more young people. We also suggest that the Cameroonian government provide more technical and material support to young people who are seeking it and, on the other hand, to raise more funds for the bankable projects presented by these Last.
关键词:interlocking multinomial Logit model; maximum probability method; public policies; youth employment