期刊名称:Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
出版社:The Society for Free Radical Research Japan
摘要:We examined the effects of a test food containing anthocyanin, astaxanthin, and lutein on the eye function in healthy Japanese adults with eye fatigue after operating visual display terminals. Forty-four subjects were randomly but equally assigned to the active or placebo group. Two active or placebo capsules were taken once daily for 6 weeks. Accommodative function, tear film break-up time, visual acuity, the value of Schirmer’s test, macular pigment optical density level, muscle hardness, and a questionnaire were evaluated before and after a 6-week intervention. Each group included 20 subjects in the efficacy analysis. The active group showed a significant improvement in the percentage of pupillary response of an average of both eyes and dominant eye pre- and post-visual display terminal operation at 6 weeks compared with the placebo group. Moreover, the active group showed a significant improvement in the scores of “A sensation of trouble in focusing the eyes” and “Difficulty in seeing objects in one’s hand and nearby, or fine print” compared with the placebo group between before and after ingestion. Therefore, 6-weeks consumption of the test food inhibited a decrease in the accommodative function caused by visual display terminal operation (UMIN000036989).
关键词:anthocyanin;astaxanthin;lutein;visual display terminals;accommodative function