期刊名称:Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at : Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs
出版社:Bundesminsterium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
摘要:Women’s Participation in Continuing Education Courses Offered by Trade Unions in Styria This article sheds light on the representation of women in continuing education courses offered by trade unions focusing on the example of the Trade Union School and the Employee Representative Academy in Styria. Following a historical outline of the development of trade union education in Austria and an introduction to the current structures of these continuing education branches, the first findings of a recent study are presented. An online survey of graduates provided the data. While women are well represented at the Trade Union School (especially compared to their proportion of all trade union members), men are clearly overrepresented in the continuing education courses. An initial analysis of empirical material has revealed potential barriers as well as aspects that promote women’s participation in trade union continuing education.