摘要:The moisture extraction rate (MER) and energy efficiency of domestic gas clothes dryers, heat-pump clothes dryers and electric clothes dryers were assessed. The assessment was performed with regard to five indices: the MER, specific MER, specific thermal energy consumption for dehumidification ( m SPC ), energy efficiency ( η t ) and primary energy efficiency ( η 1 ). The effects of the dry mass of clothes ( m BD ) and the ambient temperature on the performance of the clothes dryers were evaluated. The experiments were divided into two parts. In the first part, the ambient temperature was 20°C, and m BD was set as 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 6 kg. In the second part, m BD was 3.5 kg, and the performance of the dryers was tested at ambient temperatures of 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 and 20°C. The experimental results indicated that the gas dryer had the highest MER the heat-pump dryer had the best performance with regard to energy conservation and all three types of dryers had a higher MER and energy efficiency when the ambient temperature increased. The performance of the gas dryer was lower than that of heat-pump dryer when the temperature was 20°C. But when the temperature was < 9.5°C, the primary energy efficiency of the gas dryer was higher than that of the heat-pump dryer.
关键词:domestic clothes dryer; performance assessment; moisture extraction rate; energy efficiency