摘要:Combinatorics on Words is a rather young domain encompassing the study of words and formal languages. An archetypal example of a task in Combinatorics on Words is to solve the equation x â<. y = y â<. x, i.e., to describe words that commute. This contribution contains formalization of three important classical results in Isabelle/HOL. Namely i) the Periodicity Lemma (a.k.a. the theorem of Fine and Wilf), including a construction of a word proving its optimality; ii) the solution of the equation x^a â<. y^b = z^c with 2 ⤠a,b,c, known as the Lyndon-Schützenberger Equation; and iii) the Graph Lemma, which yields a generic upper bound on the rank of a solution of a system of equations. The formalization of those results is based on an evolving toolkit of several hundred auxiliary results which provide for smooth reasoning within more complex tasks.
关键词:combinatorics on words; formalization; Isabelle/HOL