标题:Examination of correlation among reaction time, strength, and flexibility of sedentary and athletes in different branches Farklı branşlarda yer alan sporcular ve sedanterlerde bazı biomotor özellikler ve reaksiyon zamanı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi
摘要:The purpose of this study was to contribute to the selection of talent by determining which parameters are more important for which branch between sports branches and how sports activities of different kinds and sedentary life affect some of the motoric characteristics found in the physiological structure of the human being. Adult athletes who have been sporting for at least three years and still actively engaged in sports and adult sedentary groups have participated in the study. Totally 212 participants that 157 were male and 55 were female, 119 of them were athletes and 93 were sedentary. All subjects voluntarily participating in the tests were subjected to a simple reaction time test (right hand and left hand), right and left claw, back and leg strength tests and flexibility (sit and reach) tests, respectively. Independent t-test was used for binary comparisons of data obtained and One-Way ANOVA was used to multiple comparisons. It was found that there was a statistically difference between both male-female athletes and sedentary male and females’ mean values of the right hand reaction time and values of claw-back and leg strength (p0,05). While there was a significant difference between sedentary and athletes’ means of reaction time, claw-back-leg strength and flexibility values (p0,05). Sporcu ve sedanter bireylerde reaksiyon zamanı, el kavrama, sırt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik değerleri ortalamaları arasında anlamlı farklılıklar görülürken (p<0.05), tüm değerler anlamlı bulunmakla birlikte reaksiyon zamanı ve kuvvet ölçümleri ile esneklik değerleri sporcularda daha iyi bulundu. Çeşitli branşlardaki sporcuların reaksiyon zamanı, el kavrama-sırt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik değerleri ortalamalarında ise tüm değerlerde branşlar arası anlamlı farklılıkların olduğu tespit edildi (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak farklı türde yapılan sportif aktivitelerin insan vücudundaki motorik özelliklerin geliştirilmesinde önemli bir etken olduğu ve bu nedenle sporda yetenek seçimi yapılırken belirtilen farklılıklara dikkat edilmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.