标题:An overview of the second year of a mentoring program designed for special education teachers of children with autism in the early years of profession Öğretmenliğin ilk yıllarında otizm spektrum bozukluk tanılı öğrencilerle çalışan özel eğitim öğretmenlerine uygulanan mentorluk programının ikinci yılına bakış
摘要:Early years of teaching profession can be hard especially for teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) due to difficulties of ASD. Work adjustment programs are designed to facilitate first years of teachers who may have difficulty in adjusting to teaching, performing teaching and coping with behavior problems. These programs can include services aimed to help acquire knowledge and skills, mentoring, and consulting. This paper presents a qualitative case study on the second year of an online mentoring program designed for teachers of students with ASD. The study participants include seven teachers graduated from the Education of Mentally Disabled Program and working in special education implementation centers students with ASD. The data was collected through artifacts, opinion form, and researcher diary. The results show that the online mentoring program involves topics for the participants’ needs and offers benefits such as professional development and adjustment. The results also include participants’ views on the weaknesses and strengths of the program.