标题:Examination on the effect of gender perception of nursing students of “Women’s Health and Diseases Nursing Course” “Kadın Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Dersi”nin hemşirelik öğrencileri toplumsal cinsiyet algısına etkisinin incelenmesi
摘要:The advancement of the level of education makes the individuals’ point of view towards gender roles modern and equalitarian. Accordingly, determining the attitudes of the youth in college towards gender roles becomes more of an issue in terms of achieving healthy generations. The study had been conducted in order to identify the effect of the course “Women’s Health and Gynecological Diseases” which is included in the undergraduate study of nursing on the gender perception of the students of the nursing department. The study which is descriptive and analytic was conducted on the students who were in their third years in the Nursing Department of a Health College in 2015-2016 academic year and who accepted to participate in the study, between 03 October 2015- 05 January 2016. The population of the study consists of a total of 228 students, who were taking the course “Women’s Health and Gynecological Diseases” given in their third year, fifth semester. Sample selection wasn’t prefered in the study, rather 215 students who volunteered to participate in the study (Participation Rate: 94.0%) generated the sample of the study. The data was collected with “Personal Information Form” and “Gender Perception Scale”. The students were asked to fill out personal information forms before “Women’s Health and Gynecological Diseases Nursing” course began (before the first lecture) and pre-test was conducted by implementing Gender Perception Scale. Post-test was conducted by asking the students to fill out the same scale after the curriculum of this course was completed (15 week curriculum). When evaluating the data, since it was determined that the scale scores didn’t signify a normal distribution, Wilcoxon Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test were used among the non-parametric tests together with descriptive statistics in data analysis. The average age was identified as 20.73±1.03 and 16.3% of the population as male. The average of the gender perception scores of students prior to the course was 92.17±14.89 (Min 30 – Max 124) while after the completion of the course, the average was 97.21±13.74 (Min 46 – Max 125); it was determined that the course given advanced the average of the gender perception score significantly and the education given was effective in this matter (p<0.01). It may be said that the course “Women’s Health and Gynecological Diseases Nursing” raised awareness about an equalitarian perspective towards gender in the students participating in the study, positively affected the gender perception and the female students participating in the study had a more positive gender perception than male students.