标题:The study of development “self-efficacy beliefs scale regarding museum education” for pre-service teachers Öğretmen adayları için “müze eğitimine ilişkin öz-yeterlik inancı ölçeği” geliştirme çalışması
摘要:The purpose of this study is to develop a scale that aims to determine pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs related to museum education. For this purpose, firstly a literature review was conducted on the subject. Then, expert opinions were taken and in accordance with these opinions a 35-item draft scale was prepared. Pilot implementation of the draft prepared in this way was carried out with 307 pre-service teachers who were studying at the faculty of education of a state university. Convenience sampling method was used in determining the study groups. At the end of the scale development process, a single factorial structured, 24-item scale with 11.72 eigenvalue explaining the 48.86 of the total variance was obtained. Item-total correlation values of the items in the scale range between .32 and .57, and item factor loadings .57 and .77. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the items was found at the value of .96. The values obtained from the analysis suggest that the scale of self-efficacy belief related to museum education is reliable and valid at the acceptable standards. In other words, as a result of the findings obtained, the scale was found to be sufficient to measure the self-efficacy belief related to museum education.