摘要:This study was conducted in order to assess the impact of drama education, which is supposed to improve creativity skills, on nursing students. In this study, which was designed as an experimental one, third year students studying at Nursing Department of Duzce University School of Health were given drama education for one hour a week for eight weeks in total. In order to measure the creativity levels of the students in drama education in the study, Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural and Verbal Forms were applied as pre- and post-tests. According to the findings of the study, there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in only originality subscale in the verbal form and in fluency, originality and elaboration subscales in the figural form and creativity levels in these areas increased following the drama education. Including a drama course and active learning methods is considered to be significant for coming up with solutions for the existing problems in nursing education.