标题:Classroom climate: A review on description, scales and dimensions Sınıf iklimi: Tanımı, ölçme araçları ve boyutlarına ilişkin bir alanyazın taraması
摘要:Classroom climate is the basic context, in which students’ cognitive, social and emotion learnings occurs. The impact of classroom climate on students can foster students’ learning or a barrier to learning. So, it is crucial to investigate the concept, which may be named as “classroom climate”, “classroom atmosphere” or “classroom ambience”. This study is a comprehensive review about classroom climate. In this study, classroom climate was identified and the status of it, between school-society relations, was described. Also, common scales used in abroad were explained, theses scales’ dimensions, reliability scores, sample items explained. A recommendation was also improved about dimension of classroom climate in this study. In the last part of the study, researches, conducted in Turkey were summarized, scales used in qualitative studies were descried, general trend about classroom climate researches were evaluated. It is expected to establish a theoretical framework for prospective studies.