摘要:The aims of the study were analyzing students’ understanding and skills to make concept mapping in work energy matter through C-Map application software. True experimental method with randomized control group pre-test and post-test design was utilized in the research method. The research involved 72 public high school students from second semester, 10th grade in Indonesia, composed of 36 students in an experiment group (EG) and 36 students in control group (CG). Data were collected by giving a test of work and energy to evaluate students’ understanding through C-Map application during Spring Semester 2019. A specific rubric from the previous researchers was used to evaluate students’ skills in developing concept map. Analysis of data used independent t-test and normalized gain (Ngain). The independent test revealed the implementation of C-Map application affected in improving students’ understanding of work and energy. Students’ understanding of these concepts performed that EG higher than CG. It was supported by the obtained of normalized gain (N-gain). The N-gain of EG and CG was 0.39 and 0.26, respectively. Students’ skill to make concept mapping in the topic of work and energy through C-Map application achieved 81.36 of 100 with a very good category. C-Map application guide students to arrange the hierarchical structure concept of work and energy, construct concept from focus question and see how the concept related with another concept.