摘要:Sustainable lecturer performance mapping needed a valid evaluation model. The absence of such a model brings about lecturer performance evaluation which was neither systematic nor sustainable. The study aimed to develop a valid and reliable model of lecturer performance evaluation. This research was a development research model. The model developed in the study has two components, namely: (1) computer application containing instrument to measure the lecturer performance, scoring guide, accomplishment criteria and their syntax; and (2) the user's guide for the application. The lecturer performance instruments were analyzed using content validity and construct validity. The instrument's content validity was proven by Aiken Formula, while the construct validity by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the instrument's reliability was estimated by Cronbach Alpha Formula. MANOVA was used as the hypothesis test of the implementation toward the models among the faculties. The result of trials on the model showed that all items of the instrument had met the content validity standard of 0.73, the construct of the lecturer performance instrument in learning (planning, process, and assessment) was in good categories. The results showed that the lecturer performance evaluation model was valid, reliable, and comprehensive. The results also showed that the performance of the Faculty of Math and Science lecturers in learning was the highest.