期刊名称:International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems
出版社:Massey University
摘要:Increasing interest in security demands privacyaware security systems, which do not use camera, especially for personal home security. As a candidate for this purpose, this paper presents an instant invader detection system that finds an invader by using small sensor nodes distributed on the ground. Once a sensor node detects a suspicious phenomenon, thisinformationiswirelesslytransmittedtothebaseinthehouse. Thispaper,asafirststep,evaluatesthefeasibilityoftheproposed systemintermsofinvaderdetectionaccuracyandsystemlifetime. Wefirstlyinvestigatewhatsensorcanbeusedandhowthesensor should be used for the human detection. Then, for evaluating the proportion of invader detection and necessary energy for sensor nodes, we perform simulations that are based on the measured characteristics of ultrasonic sensors placed on the ground. Experimental results show that the proposed system can attain 99% invader detection while the sensor nodes can survive with a button cell for four years. In addition, this performance can be obtained even with the sensors randomly scattered on the ground, which could contribute to the instant installation of the proposed system.