摘要:Suffering houses (Çilehane) constitute an important building group in terms of architectural history together with the Turkish-Islamic Sufi tradition. In the history of Turkish-Islamic architecture, suffering house, built in tariqat buildings, mosques, tomb or as an independent building are also called as the house of seclusion (halvethane), the room of seclusion (halvet odası). By understanding the requirements of the religion of Islam, approaching Allah and fulfilling their religious responsibilities, the members of the tariqat aim to reach a certain rank in these cells by taking care of these facts. Residences where religious figures were born, lived and spent their time are among the places that are respected by the public. In Bor, there is a residence belonging to Ahmet Kuddusi, one of the great sufi and divan poets raised by Anatolia. While Ahmet Kuddusi was a member of the Tariqat of Naqshbandi, in the following years he was joined in the Tariqat of Kadiri. After living in cities such as Tokat, Mecca and Medina for a long time, he returned to Bor again and lived a life of seclusion in this residence until his death. Thanks to Ahmet Kuddusi's religious personality, the residence, in which the suffering house unit is located, has associated the dimension of civil architecture with religion more, and for this reason, the entire residence has been called as Çilehane. Although Ahmet Kuddusi's personal, mystical views and works have been examined in many studies, the residence he lived in was addressed for the first time in terms of architecture with that study. The residence consisting of a selamlik (a room for men), a suffering room, a bath, a well and two water units contributed to Bor's spiritual texture, urban memory, religious and civil architectural heritage and gained a unique place in Anatolian Turkish architecture.
其他关键词:Turkish Islamic arts, Bor, suffering house (Çilehane), residence, Ahmet Kuddusi