摘要:Background. Although kissra and hulu-mur are well known millet-based foods in Sudan, the effect of fermentation and methods of preparation on their chemical compositions has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the method of preparation and the composition of kisra, and hulu-mur. Material and methods. The effect of fermentation and method of preparation on the composition, and microbiological load were examined in millet flour during the preparation of Sudanese fermented foods (kisra & hulu-mur). Results. A significant (P < 0.05) difference in the composition of millet flour and millet-based fermented foods was observed. Protein was significantly increased as a result of fermentation, while oil and carbohydrates were decreased. Most minerals increased significantly after the addition of spices to the hulu-mur batter. The total amino acid in millet flour (97.98 g 100 g-1 protein) was influenced by fermentation and preparation method, as it decreased to 86.09 and 88.7 g 100 g-1 protein, in millet batter and kisra, respectively. Conclusion. Kisra, and hulu-mur were found to have apparent dietary qualities, in spite of some compounds being lost during their production.