摘要:Requirement elicitation is an important activity in early requirement engineering. Several well-known approaches and goal models have been developed to deal with requirement elicitation. The i* goal model is used to represent the socio-technical domains and can be used for analysis in early requirement analysis. The elicitation process is complicated by the incomplete and imprecise input data available for analysis. Imprecise and unavailable data can be captured by fuzzy logic and then it can be managed by the popular operation research techniques known as optimisation. This paper presents a formal multi-objective optimisation model, for the i* framework, with regard to requirement elicitation. The optimisation model has the capacity to handle large and complex systems. The optimisation model has been expanded to include sensitivity analysis, in order to facilitate useful information on input data for the requirement analyst. The proposed approach is explained using the London Ambulance System case study and is evaluated using a simulation based analysis.