摘要:As a unique approach in today’s language teaching methodology, Philosophy-based Language Teaching (PBLT) engages learners in dialogues using philosophical question and answer activities to tackle the process of language learning in ELT classes. Accordingly, the present study sought to illuminate the practical ways through which PBLT could be utilized to put Applied ELT into practice. In so doing, the key is to redefine the inherent roles of both English learners and practitioners in an Applied ELT classroom. Bringing a bulk of sample philosophical questions, the paper provides the following recommendations to implement PBLT in Applied ELT classes. First, ELT life syllabus can be designed using the principles of PBLT approach. Second, while dealing with language skills, material designers might reshape the common pre and post task activities including life-related philosophical questions. Moreover, as males and females have different points of view towards life issues, materials should provide a platform to augment learners' thoughts through sharing ideas of both genders in the classroom in answering philosophical questions. Third, along with cross-cultural approaches, PBLT can aid life syllabus design which assists learners to consider themselves as an active member of local and global communities all around the world.
关键词:philosophy-based language teaching; Applied ELT; life syllabus; ELT practitioners