摘要:This article reports a single-group intervention study designed to improve critical reading proficiency among adolescents. Critical reading in the study is defined as 1) being able to identify written argumentative structure; 2) being able to analyze arguments in terms of relevance and sustainability; and 3) being able to evaluate argumentation through written, critical response. A multiple strategy approach for critical reading instruction was implemented over the course of six weeks (15 lessons) in four classes in Swedish 9th grade (N=74). Classroom activities included reading of argumentative texts, teacher modeling of three strategies (identifying, analyzing, and evaluating), frequent discussions, and response writing to argumentative texts. Results indicated that low and middle achievers made significant and large improvements from pretest to posttest, while for high achievers the intervention seemed to have no effect at all. Closer analysis also revealed that the ability to analyze arguments accounted for the largest proportion of improvement.
关键词:argumentative text; critical reading; comprehensions strategies; dialogue; intervention study