摘要:This paper has conducted a quantitative investigation and analysis of the selection of research topics and writing models of the MTI theses of the students of Grade 2011 to Grade 2013 at Inner Mongolia University, and had a deep probe into the actual application and acceptance of the current modes of MTI theses. Based on the findings, the author suggests that in procession of writing MTI theses, the students should be required to first select a highly professional translation project which has not been translated before, and then write a research report on the practice of translation. The writing of MTI theses should embody its distinctive characteristics and avoid the convergence with the forms of such academic-oriented theses as those on translation studies, thoroughly removing the “academic” tendency and keeping its “professional” feature, but at the same time, the academic norms that MIT theses should have can’t be reduced.
关键词:Inner Mongolia University; MTI; Thesis; Selection of Research Topics