摘要:For more than 10 years, English teaching and learning approaches at Politecnico Grancolombiano were based on traditional methodologies with noticeable prevalence of deductive learning and summative assessment. In 2017, we surveyed students and teachers to analyze this panorama, and more than 500 responses shed light on the lack of motivation most of them had in their English learning and teaching processes. As a result, through a qualitative research project, we implemented the task-based teaching and learning approach in our English classes, featuring formative assessment, the use of information and communication technologies, and encouraging self-reflection moments for students to raise awareness of their learning process. The objective of this project was to identify the real benefits of these methodological changes in our programs, and to ensure triangulation, we used different data collection instruments such as journals, artifacts and surveys. It was found that task-based lessons offer students innovative, creative and real opportunities to learn English in and out of class. As well, students’ motivation and awareness of their learning process increased due to formative assessment routines. As for teachers, it can be concluded that these methodological innovations helped them plan more dynamic lessons and evidence students’ progress. Regarding Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), it was evident that it played an important role in teachers’ and students’ engagement. However, it revealed that it was necessary to strengthen technological skills and to guarantee the conditions to implement it.
关键词:task-based learning; self-assessment; E-portfolios; ICT; awareness and motivation