期刊名称:Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education
出版社:Universitas Pasundan
摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah keefektifan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan open-ended dibandingkan dengan penerapan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kreatif siswa. Selain itu, dianalisis pula tentang sikap siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan pendekatan open-ended. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan sampel penelitian terdiri dari 64 siswa kelas VIII yang berasal dari dua kelas di MTs Negeri I Subang. Kedua kelas diberikan pretes dan postes kemampuan berfikir kreatif, dan diberi angket sikap siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan openended. Hipotesis penelitian diuji dengan menggunakan uji parametrik dan uji non-parametrik. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa: (1) peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kreatif siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada siswa kelas kontrol; (2) Sebagian besar siswa memberikan sikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika yang menggunakan pendekatan open-ended.
其他摘要:This study aims to examine the effectiveness of learning with an open-ended approach compared to the application of conventional learning to improving students' creative thinking abilities. In addition, it also analyzed about students' attitudes towards the application of mathematics learning using the open-ended approach. This type of research is a quasiexperimental study with a sample of 64 class VIII students from two classes in MTs Negeri I Subang. Both classes were given pretest and posttest ability to think creatively, and were given questionnaires for student attitudes towards the application of learning with an openended approach. The research hypothesis was tested using parametric tests and nonparametric tests. The results of the study stated that: (1) the increase in the creative thinking ability of the experimental class students was better than the control class students; (2) Most students give positive attitude towards learning mathematics using the open-ended approach.