摘要:Golf tourism represents an important part of a sports tourism offer of a destination. In the last couple of decades, it has been registering growth on European and world level. Golfers are characterized as tourists with high purchasing power which was an additional stimulus for tourist destinations to invest in developing golf tourism, in order to attract a large number of golf players, and that way increase the tourist turnover with particular emphasis on tourist consumption. The primary aim of this paper was to present the current state of golf tourism offer in Europe, as well as the state of golf tourism in the Republic of Croatia, as a European Union member with the use of data from secondary sources. Based on the findings the authors presented the developmental activities.
其他摘要:Golf turizam predstavlja važan dio ponude sportskog turizma destinacije. U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća bilježi rast na europskoj i svjetskoj razini. Golferi su okarakterizirani kao turisti s visokom kupovnom moći, što je bio dodatni poticaj turističkim odredištima da ulažu u razvoj golf turizma, kako bi privukli velik broj igrača, te na taj način povećali turistički promet s posebnim naglaskom na turističku potrošnju. Primarni cilj ovog rada bio je predstaviti trenutno stanje ponude golf turizma u Europi, kao i stanje golf turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao članici Europske unije, koristeći podatke iz sekundarnih izvora. Na temelju nalaza autori su predstavili razvojne aktivnosti.