摘要:This study aims to analyze the loan to deposit ratio, interest rates, inflation, and intellectual capital on profitability at the Indonesian Conventional Bank. This study uses panel data regression using three models: Common Effect, Fixed Effect, and Random Effects. The Chow and Hussman test results show that the best model is using the random effect model. The random effect model results show that the loan to deposit ratio and inflation effects, but interest rates and intellectual capital have no impact on profitability. This means that investors consider net income and pay attention to such as Loan to Deposit Ratio and Intellectual Capital. The company's performance in managing capital to be more effective and efficient, thereby increasing added value for companies and investors.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rasio pinjaman terhadap deposito, suku bunga, inflasi, dan modal intelektual terhadap profitabilitas pada Bank Konvensional Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi data panel dengan menggunakan tiga model yaitu Common Effect, Fixed Effect, dan Random Effects. Hasil uji Chow dan Hussman menunjukkan bahwa model terbaik menggunakan model random effect. Hasil model random effect menunjukkan bahwa loan to deposit ratio dan inflasi berpengaruh, namun suku bunga dan modal intelektual tidak berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas. Artinya investor memperhatikan laba bersih dan memperhatikan seperti Loan to Deposit Ratio dan Intellectual Capital. Kinerja perusahaan dalam mengelola permodalan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah bagi perusahaan dan investor.
关键词:Loan to Deposit Ratio;interest rate;inflation;intellectual capital;profitability
其他关键词:Loan to Deposit Ratio;suku bunga;inflasi;intellectual capital;probabilitas