摘要:We are living in the age of quality competition, in marketing term, everything in the time is only alive until it sustains its quality. If something is elapsing its quality is it means that is ending its existence from the world gradually. The leading aim of the existing paper was to analyses the content related to quality and quality assurance process of higher education in Pakistan. The paradigm of the research was interpretive paradigm and content analysis with its conceptual design was used to conduct the study. Through purposive sampling, three documents were used as the sample of the study. This investigation was conducted under a developmental approach and various policy documents along with the concerned bodies were used to support the theme of this paper. Multiple sources were used for data analysis, membership categorization analysis for interviews data and keywords in context analysis for document analysis. It was concluded that quality means meeting the predetermined standards and six themes were noted during qualitative analysis. Furthermore, it was assessed that the analyzed quality manuals and, the mechanism with all its operations are measuring the quality of all disciplines with the same brush. By hanging all quality keys at the same grid (Manuals), Teacher Education Programs (TEPs) are indirectly sustained in the standings of quality improvement in Pakistan. It was concluded that quality means meeting the predetermined standards in DAIs in Pakistan.