摘要:In the reference works, the sequences in et ce and sur ce often appear in the same section. This is explained by the anaphoric value that authors give to the form ce which, as they point out, "refers to an immediate antecedence"(cf. TLFi). The purpose of this article is to inquire about the validity of this approach. Based on attested examples (oral, written and from the Internet) on one hand and on the some contributions in the feld of macrosyntax on the other (BlancheBenveniste et al. 1990, Blanche-Benveniste 2010 and Debaisieux et al. 2013), it shows that, even if these two sequences share the characteristics of a pre-nucleus (prefx), they will create clusters of different types from the point of view of discursive semantics and that of the anaphoric aspect. We will also show that these sequences are to be distinguished with respect to their usage and their constraints of occurrence.
关键词:the sequences et ce / sur ce;macrosyntax;oral / written;discursive semantics;genres