期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Management in Physical education and sport involves a series of measures and tools designed to ensure a quality education process for this subject. Quality in Physical education and sport can be assessed throughseveralindicators, and one of them refers to the number of hoursthat students spend practicing physical exercise in both an organised environment (during physical education classes) andtheir leisure activities. Compared to the world orEuropean average, Romanian students allocate about 10 times lesstime tophysical exercisethansame-age students in other countries. The purpose of this research is to developa quality assessment scale for Physical education and sport, organisedas an education subject in different school units of Bucharest.Through this study, weaim to identify the teachers’ opinions on the quality of Physical education and sportcurricula in the schools wherethey work and also to highlight the differences, in terms of educational resourcesand efficiency, betweentheeducational units where the assessment scale has been implemented. In this study, thequestionnaire survey method was applied, which allowedcollecting a large amount of information.Analysing the obtained data,we conclude that the benchmarks offered by the indicators and criteria for quality management assessmentinPhysical education and sport can provide an overview of the level at which this subject is providedin different educational units.