出版社:Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani)
摘要:Active Learning is a constructivist approach based on the student-centred teaching perspective,but even though it is a method useful for promoting student engagement,for supporting students in the development of their abilities,for enhancing their reflection on their ways of learning,and for developing autonomous control of their own learning process,students’ resistance seems to be a common reaction in the contexts where it is used. The purpose of this paper is to present an integrative interpretation of students’ resistance to active learning based on the ways in which students demonstrate their resistance to it,and the strategies that teachers can use to counteract this resistance. Based on this new interpretation,the practical implications are presented: the creation of an ecological didactic system;the importance for teachers to be well prepared for the reasons causing students’ resistance and the use of an ecological teaching strategy for overcoming it,a strategy which lets them make reasonable pedagogical choices and avoid giving up on the method’s implementation.
其他摘要:Aktivno učenje je konstruktivističen pristop,utemeljen na učni perspektivi,ki je usmerjena na učenca – v našem primeru študenta. Vendar pa se kljub temu,da ta metoda lahko izboljša sodelovanje študentov,jim pomaga pri razvijanju sposobnosti,pri poglabljanju njihovega razmišljanja o lastnih načinih učenja in krepitvi avtonomnega nadzora nad lastnim učnim procesom,študenti nanjo pogosto odzivajo z upiranjem. Cilj tega prispevka je predstaviti celostno interpretacijo upiranja aktivnemu učenju na podlagi tega,kako se pri študentih to upiranje pojavlja,ter tudi strategije,s katerimi lahko učitelji to upiranje preprečijo. Izhajajoč iz te nove interpretacije,so predstavljeni njeni praktični napotki: ustvarjanje ekološkega didaktičnega sistema;pomen tega,da učitelji dobro poznajo razloge študentov za upiranje in so nanje pripravljeni,prav tako pa tudi na uporabo ekološke učne strategije,s katero lahko to upiranje premagajo in ki jim omogoča razumno pedagoško odločanje ter vztrajanje pri uporabi metode aktivnega učenja.