摘要:Purpose:Travel agencies have use digital tools in order to shift the paradigm in how business is conducted. Online travel agencies provide the same services as a normal travel agency, including hotels, transportation, guided tours, reservations, and related services, but using an ―online platform. Travelers planning a trip can use a lot of forms to collect information and have access to a larger amount of information, so the factors that influence the user's behavioral intention are very important. This research has the conducted to find what factors lead to the attitudes of consumers in using OTA using the UTAUT model. Research design, data and methodology: The object of this study were respondents of a google survey using convenient sample extraction method, chosen among consumers who gathered information, or purchased a product. A total of 217 of the 235 questionnaires Google survey answered were used in the final analysis, excluding insincere responses. Using PSS v.21 and AMOS v.21, frequency analysis, feasibility and reliability analysis, path analysis was performed. Results: UTAUT affects OTA use satisfaction and trust, and OTA satisfaction and trust affect behavior intention. Conclusions: Research was conducted using the UTAUT model to explore factors that affect the attitudes of users of online travel agencies (OTA).