摘要:This research aims is to identify the needs and desires of Cinema XXI customers in Semarang. As the largest market leader and cinema network in Indonesia,Cinema XXI must have the best quality of service. The population in this study were respondents with criteria that had watched at least at three XXI theaters in the Semarang City. The sample selection uses a purposive sampling method and from questionnaires,138 respondents met the criteria. By using the Kano Model and integrated into the Quality Function Deployment method,it can be concluded that the highest influence on the increase in satisfaction level is the attribute of the quality of the image display on the cinema screen. Whereas the highest influence on the decline in the level of customer satisfaction is the attribute of the use of polite language and easily understood by officers when explaining / providing information to customers. And attributes that service providers prioritize for improvement are cleanliness and comfort of toilets.