摘要:The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of international faculty towards English teaching and learning at a local university in South Korea. For data collection,a comprehensive questionnaire was administered on a google survey to 71 international faculty teaching at the university. The survey consisted of items of questions concerning faculty’s second language learning experience,teaching/learning philosophy,and teaching techniques and skills. Description of the responses revealed the following results: 1) Second language learning experience of faculty helps improving quality of instruction through understanding students’ learning difficulties;2) Faculty’s view of language was mostly holistic while that of language learning was inclusive of different perspectives;3) The role teachers was mainly that of a facilitator in a student-focused class;4) For those applying CLT,it was used to engage students within a student-centered classroom;5) A general maxim of teaching was the golden rule: “Do unto others,as you would have done unto you.”;6) Views on teaching explicit knowledge varied widely among faculty;7) The majority of faculty chose to correct both global and local errors;8) A number of strategies were utilized in order to help students overcome reluctance to speak;9) In order to enhance students’ communicative abilities,a suggestion was made for innovation of general English education programs.
关键词:faculty perception;view of language;view of language learning;English teaching/learning philosophy;ELT innovation